Heronries are the communal nesting places of waterbirds. Heronries may be small or big; occupied by single species or mixed species. Mostly in all countries, heronries are established near human habitations and these lead to the increase in the intensity of disturbances to the heronries and breeding population. The maintenance of established heronries and associated feeding areas is essential to ensure the stability of breeding populations of herons and egrets.

These colonial nesters are especially vulnerable to human disturbances and habitat destruction during the breeding season when large numbers of birds are concentrated in a relatively confined area. Established heronries may be occupied for decades or even centuries because of habitat conditions that are conducive to reproductive success. The number of heronries is declining in Kerala due to habitat loss, land-use change, hunting for meat, poisoning by pesticides, felling of nesting trees, etc. Community efforts have frequently led to the conservation of habitats, species and ecological services in Kerala.

Thrissur Kole wetlands were already declared as a Ramsar site (2002), Important Bird Area and High Value Biodiversity Area. This wetlands supports thousands of birds; migratory as well as resident population for their food, breeding and roosting activities. Thrissur Railway station, Shakthan stand, Kallettumkara Railway stations, Ayanikkad, Trissur Collectorate campus are the existing important breeding sites to be protected. All these heronries abodes different variety of species, including Oriental Darter, a Near Threatened species.

Earlier, surveys were conducted by Mr. Raju S., later on past 2 years census was conducted by Greeshma Paleeri, Research Scholar from Wildlife Department, KFRI. This year KFRI, with the collaborative support of Kole Birders Collective is doing the survey. Local people can report the location of heronries and interested people can join with our team. Please contact Mrs. Greeshma Paleeri 9447859157 and Mr. Manoj Karingamadathil 9495513874.
തൃശ്ശൂർ റെയിൽവെ സ്റ്റേഷൻ പരിസരത്തെ ചേരക്കോഴി കോളനി (കൊറ്റില്ലം)
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