Dear Friends,
We are in the midst of the migratory birding season and now we can see many winged beauties in monochromes, duo tones and multi color- vibgyor , both occurring throughout the year in our state and those who come to visit and enthrall us with the myriad hues and huge repertoire of songs from other parts of the globe during this time of the year.It is in this background that the KeralaBirdRace2018 is happening on Sunday, 30th December 2018 in its twelfth iteration.
Birds always fascinate and intrigue us with their colors, shapes, songs, calls and their jizz…which can move the hearts of even driest of the humans….

The BirdRace with its fun element is the perfect reason and time to observe and enjoy these beauties in the company of our friends, family or expert birders .The Bird Race -though it has competitive tone in it- (but) is not a race in truest sense ,yet encourages us to push our limits to watch, listen to , experience and record as many and as much as birds during the course of a day. After a hectic day of birding in the surrounding areas of #Kochi city and outskirts- up to 50 kms. radius- we meet at a suitable place to share our experiences of the day, cross check and collate our sightings, determine which of the commonest birds we missed; which of the rarest ones, we were lucky to spot etc., with our fellow travelers .This is followed by the interaction with invited dignitaries and Dinner.Thus the Bird Race ends..

Training Session
This year also we are having a briefing session for new birdwatchers and experienced ones to interact with each other on 28th December evening at 5pm at the Mangalavanam Bird Sanctuary(Behind Kerala High Court, Ernakulam)
The Kerala Bird Race Event
This is followed by the bird watching event on Sunday, 30th December from 6 am at various locations and biding HotSpots till evening.We record our birds observations on to the eBird CitizenScience Website using the #eBirdApp .After the birdwatching experience, we all meet at a hotel(will inform you the time venue details closer to the event) in the evening for a banquet .

The Kerala Bird Race is supported by HSBC Ltd and Yuhina Canopy is the organizing partner
Cochin Natural History Society organizes the event in Kochi.