I was interested in birds from my younger days but took it more seriously when i bought a DSLR Camera in 2016. I used to go around our surroundings in search of bird on sundays. Being a practicing doctor i was able to move out only on sundays. On one such sunday ie 5 feb 2017 i went to Nelliyampathy in seeing them. I was not aware of the areas on the way to specifically look for them. I started at 4 a.m from my house at Marancherry and reached Pothundy by 6 am. From there onwards i stopped on the road side where ever i heard the chirping of birds. In the first stop i was able to see the Malabar parakeet, Malabar whistiling thrush, White cheeked barbet and Flame throated bulbul. As i went along i was able to see the Greater flameback woodpecker, Jungle owlet, Asian fairy blue birds and so on. I reached near a culvert where there was sufficient space for parking. I saw white cheeked barbets Orange minivets and Vernal hanging parrots. On another tree this particular bird (Blue and white flycatcher) was singing alone. I took 2 picture and in my attempt to get a better picture the bird spotted me and in went off to the wild. I searched for some time but could not spot it any more. I kept it in my hard disk and by september joined the ebird. Slowly i started entering the check lists there. I uploaded this check list stating that this is un identified. In 2nd week of june i got a e-mail from Mr.Venugopalan Reghunandan, who was a regional reviewer of the check list, telling that some US based reviewer has doubt regarding another bird in the check list and to send more pictures if possible. The check list was send to Mr. Praveen J. for review. He asked me to send more pictures if possible. In his discussion with the experts it was finally told that it is Blue and White flycatcher, the 522th recognised bird in kerala. I wish to thank all my friends especially Adithyian in particular who took much pain in recognising birds which i am not aware and groups like Kole birders , Malappuram Bird Atlas etc for their support in this venture. Thank you all
Check List https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S40981160

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